Finding the right person for a role requires you to look at more than what’s on their CV; it’s not enough to evaluate their experience and qualifications, as this doesn’t take cultural fit into account. Recently, cultural fit has showcased itself as being a key part of the recruitment factor, especially when it comes to executive hiring. This means looking at how a candidate’s values, beliefs, style of work and organisation aligns with that of the existing team. Executives play a big part in shaping a business and its performance, so they need to be able to successfully integrate into the team.
The Benefits of Considering Cultural Fit in Executive Hiring
One of the main benefits of cultural fit is the improvement it can have on employee engagement. When an executive fits in with the company culture, they are more likely to feel satisfied, happy and valued in the workplace. They are more likely to feel as though they belong in the team, which leads to improved motivation, job satisfaction and improved performance. Cultural fit can also have a positive impact on teamwork and collaboration. When an executive shares the same values as other employees, they are more likely to work well together.
When cultural fit is factored into the hiring process, the chances of retaining talent are improved. This is because executives are more likely to stay in the role for the foreseeable future if they are happy with their workplace. Not only does this reduce the costs of hiring and recruitment, it increases stability within the organisation.
How to Evaluate Culture Fit During Executive Hiring
There are a handful of key things to consider when you are hiring an executive, and this starts with defining the business’ culture. You need to think about the business’ values, work ethics and the team’s preferred way of communicating. It’s then possible to determine if a candidate would integrate well by assessing their values and beliefs, and analysing how they work in various professional situations.
Another important part of considering cultural fit in the hiring process is to involve a variety of team members. Individuals who are going to be working with the chosen executive should have an input, and their view of the company culture should be factored in, as this reduces the risk of any biases when the decision is being made. It’s also worthwhile to introduce an executive to the business’ values and expectations early on, to ensure they know exactly what is expected of them, and to help them understand the ins and outs of the team.
By looking at cultural fit, businesses can maximise employee engagement and employee retention, whilst also creating a productive and welcoming workplace.
For a bespoke service in hiring senior leaders that are the perfect cultural fit for your business contact Fidarsi today.